Chinese Prediction Calendar for Gender of Child
Ancient Chinese people have discovered prediction method of child without any medical test. Only thing required is to obey some laws while making relationship. Couples can choose Male or female baby as per there choice. Calendar is based on dates and months and it is found 100% accurate. One can check the calendar as per his or her birth date that what is more possibility at that time of male or a female child in the relationship of parents. Some Laws are required to be obeyed strictly if You want this method to work 100% exact.
The original baby gender prediction calendar is visible to tourists at the Beijing Institute of Science which is one of many ancient artifacts on display of the great Chinese dynasties. The Chinese Gender Calendar chart was supposedly created by a Chinese scientist and his discovery was placed in that royal tomb hundreds of years ago.
To predict the baby's gender using the Chinese Lunar chart you must first find out your Chinese lunar age. The Chinese lunar age is found by adding one year to your age, unless you were born before the Chinese New Year then you would add two to your age. The Chinese New Year does not happen on the same day each year but instead the date of the New Year occurs between January 21 and February 20. The basis for figuring out your lunar age comes from the way the Chinese count your age. In Chinese culture, people when they are born start out as being 1 year old and every time they pass the Chinese New Year they gain another year to their age.

The other important piece of information you need to have when you use the Chinese Lunar Calendar to predict the gender of the baby is the month of conception. Using the mother's lunar age and month of conception you can use the chart to help predict whether you will have a baby girl or baby boy. Sometimes it is hard for a mother and the doctor to figure out the exact date of conception, but usually the doctor is able to figure it closely by using measurements. With approximations that are a day or so away from a change in the month of conception deciding for sure the month of conception less reliable.
These prediction calendar is from ancient Chinese history and as per them one should take this calendar and as game for enjoyment but unfortunately it is working correctly.
Note: This Calendar Can be used for fun by predicting oneself gender which is 100% found to be correct. Scientifically this method is not proven.